Managed LAMP on EC2

Buy LAMP VMs on AWS LAMP Bitnami documentation

Run a LAMP server (Linux; the web server, Apache; the database server, MySQL; and the programming language, PHP) with PHP-FPM on Amazon EC2, managed by HostJane’s tech team.

Your LAMP server is packaged by Bitnami includes the latest releases of PHP and PHP-FPM, Apache, and MariaDB on Linux. It also includes phpMyAdmin, PHP main modules and Composer.

Steps Actions required Time
After purchase, login to the client area to see your root password and IP address. Amazon assigns a static IP address immediately, but your VPS will not be active until the server configuration has finished installing. Instant
Point your domain to your hosting. Propagation usually takes less than 1 min with Amazon Route 53 but can take much longer depending on your domain registrar. 1 min
Request Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) port 25 is unblocked. Like most cloud computing services, Amazon blocks outbound traffic on Port 25 on all new EC2 servers. It’s usually a formality to unblock the ports, but we will need to submit your use case to Amazon, so we can assist with that request 2 mins